Broadleaf Trees and Shrubs

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  • Prunus_mahaleb

    St Lucie Cherry Seed

    Prunus mahaleb

    The Mahaleb or St Lucie Cherry is a small deciduous tree covered in fragrant white flowers in spring followed by dark coloured fruit in early summer. The seed inside the hard cherry stone has the flavour of bitter almonds and has medicinal qualities apparently. The wood has an outstanding grain which is used for pipes and walking sticks. Records of the tree date back as far as 900 AD in the middle east.

    £5.00 inc. VAT
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  • Prunus_domest.

    St. Julien Plum Seed

    Prunus domestic institita

    The St Julien plum is mostly used as a dwarfing rootstock for other varieties of plum. White flowers very early in spring, variable plum fruit in late summer. Flowers are good for pollinating insects and the fruit is eaten by birds (and wasps). Makes a useful and productive addition to a wild hedgerow since it can be trimmed lightly.

    £4.00 inc. VAT
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  • Rhus_typhina

    Stag’s Horn Sumach Seed

    Rhus typhina

    Stag’s Horn Sumach is a  wide, spreading, sparsely branched large shrub or small tree that has a flat topped appearance in winter. The large pinnate leaves turn orange, red, yellow or purple in autumn giving an impressive display. The conical clusters of crimson hairy fruits are very decorative late in the year. It doesn’t cast a dense shade so can be underplanted successfully.

    £5.00 inc. VAT
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  • acer pensylv. wikimedia

    Striped Maple seed

    Striped Maple is a small to medium size deciduous tree. It is one of the best snakebark maples with wavy white striations on an olive green bark. Leaves are three lobed and coloured golden-yellow in early autumn. The seeds are characteristically dimpled.

    £5.00 inc. VAT
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  • Sugar Maple Seed

    Acer saccharum

    Sugar Maple is the tree in North America that produces Maple Syrup and it  is one of the continents most colourful trees in autumn. Vibrant orange, gold and crimson tints light up ‘ The Fall’. Sugar Maple makes an excellent stand alone specimen tree, with neat habit and few problems.

    £5.00£8.00 inc. VAT
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  • lupin

    Sundial Lupin / Wild Lupin Seed

    Lupinus perennis (polyphyllus)

    The Sundial or Wild Lupin is a  short-lived perennial plant about 0.5m high with pea like flowers up tall spikes in summer. The colour can range from blue to pink or white. Its leaves are palmately divided into 7 to 11 leaflets and die down in the autumn. Dead heading the spent flowers often gives a second flower flush. It ‘fixes’ nitrogen from the air into the soil so is good for soil fertility.

    £2.00 inc. VAT
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  • Eucalyptus_robusta

    Swamp Mahogany Seed

    Eucalyptus robusta

    Swamp Mahogany is an unusual Eucalyptus in that it has  spongey, reddish brown bark which peels off in strips. The leaves are dark green, broad and evergreen. It flowers with creamy white fluffy flowers in autumn, which is quite useful for late insects. It is a long-lived tree and used for firewood, charcoal, coastal erosion control and pulp. It coppices successfully. Needs planting in a sheltered spot.

    £5.50 inc. VAT
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  • sorbus_intermedia2

    Swedish Whitebeam Seed

    Sorbus intermedia

    Swedish Whitebeam is a small deciduous tree with a dense rounded head of branches. Dark green leaves are  hairy and grey on the lower surface. Bunches of creamy white flowers are followed by large orange red fruits which hang in bunches. They are eaten by thrushes, waxwings and  blackbirds.  In the wild grows on woodland edges.


    £5.00£12.00 inc. VAT
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  • sarcococca confusa dms

    Sweet Box Seed

    Sarcococca confusa

    Sarcococca or Sweet Box is a fantastically useful small evergreen shrub. It has a neat growth habit and produces small, feathery creamy white flowers in the depths of winter. These are highly sweetly scented. The black shiny berries that follow remain on the shrub until the following spring. Thrives in poorish dry soil and shade. Germination is sporadic, so patience is needed!


    £15.00£25.00 inc. VAT
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  • castanea branch dms

    Sweet Chestnut

    Castanea sativa

    Sweet Chestnut is a large, beautiful, quick growing tree. It is often found in parkland as a specimen tree with a smooth grey bark and long dark green toothed leaves which contrast with the long, yellowish spring catkins. Sweet Chestnut produces nuts in warm summers. Eventually, the bark becomes ridged and twisted, giving a spiral pattern up the trunk.


    Not for forestry purposes.

    £5.00£10.00 inc. VAT
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  • Liquidambar dms

    Sweet Gum Seed

    Liquidambar styraciflua

    Sweet Gum is a large deciduous tree which has shining green, leathery, maple like leaves. They turn a fantastic orange, red and purple in autumn. Young shoots have distinctive corky ridges and the sap is fragrant. Although it rarely flowers in this country, the flower heads look similar to those of Rhus and the resulting seed heads look like Plane tree seed balls; it is  actually related to Witch Hazels! A fine specimen or woodland tree.

    £5.00£10.00 inc. VAT
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  • Sycamore dms

    Sycamore Seed

    Acer pseudoplatanus

    Sycamore is a large well known deciduous tree. It is well suited to exposed situations on all soil types. It has dark green leaves and mustard yellow, insect friendly flowers which develop into double winged seeds in autumn. Having lost Elm and now possibly Ash, the Sycamore is a notable tree in the landscape, offering shelter from all weathers. Thumbnail pic is the famous Sycamore in the middle of Hadrian’s Wall, near Hexham, from the film ‘Robin Hood Prince of Thieves’


    Not for forestry purposes.

    £5.00 inc. VAT
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  • Tasmanian Snow Gum

    Eucalyptus coccifera

    A fast growing medium sized tree which can survive some winter frost. It has strikingly bloomy leaves and stems as it begins to mature.

    £11.00 inc. VAT
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  • Thornless Rose Seed

    Rosa inermis

    The Thornless Rose makes a medium sized climbing or lax-growing shrub. An easy to grow rose with lightly fragranced, simple, pink-red flowers 5cm in diameter in summer. It is a thornless selection of the Dog Rose, often used for rootstock work or for informal hedging. Some red hips are produced in the late summer and autumn.

    £5.00 inc. VAT
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  • Eucalyptus_glaucescens

    Tingiringi Gum Seed

    Eucalyptus glaucescens

    Tingiringi Gum is a  fast growing evergreen with round, even, silver juvenile foliage used in floristry. It coppices well and is good for screening. Adult foliage is elongated, blue-green-silver and aromatic and this develops if the stems aren’t cut back. Like many Eucalyptus, the bark on mature trees shreds off revealing orange, grey, copper, white and grey streaks. Creamy flowers in autumn. Mallee form, which is more shrub-like and multistem


    £5.00£14.00 inc. VAT
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  • paeonia ludlowii dms

    Tree Peony Seed

    Paeonia ludlowii

    Ludlow’s Tree Paeony is sometimes known as Paeony lutea ludlowii and in its native Tibet as ‘God’s Flower’ is a large, slow growing, deciduous shrub. It has ferny leaves with good yellow autumn colour and produces numerous large, open yellow flowers, a bit like poppies, from early to late summer. It is tolerant of most things but won’t flower in deep shade. No pruning is necessary, just the occasional tidy up, the branches are generally unbranched.

    £4.50 inc. VAT
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  • Liriodendron tulipifera dms

    Tulip Tree Seed

    Liriodendron tulipifera

    Tulip Tree is a fast growing beautiful large deciduous tree. Leaves are shaped like cartoon tulips and turn yellow in autumn. The flowers appear from early summer onwards resembling short stemmed tulips or Magnolia. They are a yellow green colour and banded at the base of the petals with orange. Very tolerant of pollution, so where there is space, this is useful as an urban tree.

    seed sold is de-winged

    £5.50 inc. VAT
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  • Nyssa sylvatica dms

    Tupelo, Black Gum Seed

    Nyssa sylvatica

    Tupelo or Nyssa sylvatica is a  neat deciduous tree forming a symmetrical pyramid shape, later spreading. Insignificant flowers are a source of nectar for insects. The autumn colour is spectacular turning purple, orange, yellow and red.

    £2.00£4.50 inc. VAT
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  • Turkey Oak Seed

    Quercus cerris

    Turkey Oak is a large deciduous tree and one of the fastest growing oaks. It thrives on chalky soils and near the sea. The leaves are coarsely toothed and slightly rough to the touch and the acorns are bristly/hairy, looking like bad-hair-day hedgehogs. Mature trees have fissured and plated bark.

    cup pic courtesy of Javier martin, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

    leaf and acorn Javier Martin, Public Domain


    Not for forestry purposes.

    £5.00£11.00 inc. VAT
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  • corylus colurna dms

    Turkish Hazel Seed

    Corylus colurna

    Turkish Hazel is a remarkable deciduous tree with a striking symmetrical, pyramidal form. The corky, deeply fissured bark is also an attractive feature. It is the only hazel with a single straight trunk rather than being multi-stemmed. It doesn’t coppice like the European Hazel.

    £5.00£10.00 inc. VAT
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  • Eucalyptus urnigera dms

    Urn Gum/ Urn Pod Gum Seed

    Eucalyptus urnigera

    Eucalyptus urnigera, Urn Gum or Urn Pod Gum, is considered to be more decorative than E. gunnii. It makes a good specimen tree with silver-blue round juvenile and strap-like silver/grey-green adult leaves. Silver white bark matures to green-grey-white-gold-pink, mottled and peeling. Flowers are white in September from urn shaped buds and the seed cases are urn shaped too. The largest UK specimens grow in the warm damp weather of the Western Scottish Coast.

    £10.00 inc. VAT
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  • viburnum rhytidophyllum dms

    Viburnum Seed

    Viburnum rhytidophyllum

    Viburnum rhytidophyllum is a large handsome evergreen shrub with large elliptic corrugated and wrinkled leaves which are dark green above and grey felted beneath. The cream or pink flowers are borne in clusters in spring. The fruits are red, turning black and shiny as they ripen. A superb foliage plant especially on chalk soils. Maintenance-free, but a little light trimming can be done after flowering has finished, if the shrub is getting too big.

    £5.00 inc. VAT
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  • Vine Maple

    Vine Maple Seed

    Acer circinatum

    Vine Maple is a fine, medium sized deciduous tree with elegant and graceful habit.  It can also be grown as a large, multi-stemmed shrub. The small, lime green flowers in tassels in spring are followed by red, winged, sycamore -like seeds. The fresh green leaves are rounded but lobed and turn fantastically bright in autumn – reds, oranges and yellows. It is perfect species for bonsai.

    £6.00£25.00 inc. VAT
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  • Virginia Creeper Seed

    Parthenocissus quinquefolia

    Virginia Creeper is a large growing, self-clinging vine ideal for high walls. The deciduous leaves are made up of 5 leaflets, mid veins of which are greyish. They turn a brilliant orange or scarlet in autumn. The fruits are a blue / black colour. It needs very little maintenance.

    £5.00 inc. VAT
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