Pere David’s Maple Seed

Acer davidii

£5.00 inc. VAT

Pere David’s Maple is one of the Snakebark Maples. It grows to be a small deciduous tree or large shrub, often multi-stemmed. Leaves are pointed and have three barely noticeable lobes. Autumn colours can be spectacular orange and yellow. The bark is green with obvious cream and white stripes, better on younger trees. It looks a bit like snake-skin. This tree is a worthwhile addition to a small garden.

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Acer davidii

Common Name: Pere David’s Maple/Snakebark

Native: China

Provenance: China

Size and Spread(10yrs) : 2 x 3m

Treatment required: soak the dried seed then at least 4weeks cold stratification

Seeds/kg:   c. 30,500 seeds ; 46%viable

Ideal Sowing Period: Spring

Soil Conditions: Moist, but well drained, probably not chalk

Planting Instructions: sun or semi-shade.

Mature Height: 4m

bark pic courtesy of Abrahami CC BY SA 2.5  via Wikimedia




Additional information

Weight N/A





autumn foliage, bark

Life Cycle

shrub, tree


Mini seed pack (approx 25 seeds), Seed Pack (approx 150 seeds)

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