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  • larix kaempferi seed

    Japanese Larch Seed

    Larix kaempferi

    Japanese Larch is a vigorous, large conifer with red shoots and sea green leaves which are longer and broader than those of European Larch. It is fast growing and used as a timber crop, supplying the building trade.  The needle-like leaves turn good autumn colour of yellow and orange. Sometimes the needles sprout directly out of the trunk or larger branches. The small attractive cones are copper-brown when ripe and often age on the tree to grey.


    Not for forestry purposes.

    £5.00£10.00 inc. VAT
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  • acerpalmatum dms

    Japanese Maple Seed

    Acer palmatum

    Japanese Maple is noted for its beautiful autumn colours of red, orange or yellow, but in summer this small deciduous tree or large shrub has bright green lobed, deeply cut leaves. It slowly grows into a graceful tree or large shrub, often multi-stemmed, of open habit. No pruning is necessary and when planted in the right spot, it is relatively carefree.

    £5.00£8.00 inc. VAT
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  • acer palm disect purp dms

    Japanese Maple Seed (purple dissect)

    Acer palmatum atrop dissectum

    Japanese Maple is a slow growing small tree/shrub with broad arching habit (sometimes looks like a large purple mushroom). Very fine purple-bronze leaves colour to orange in autumn. Excellent in small gardens. Needs no pruning but appreciates mulching with compost in spring.

    £5.00£19.50 inc. VAT
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  • Acer palmatum purp dms

    Japanese Maple Seed (purple leaved)

    Acer palmatum atropurpureum

    Purple Japanese Maple is the most popularly grown of the Japanese Maples. Leaves are a bronze-crimson throughout the summer before turning brilliant red in the autumn. It makes an elegant large deciduous shrub, often multi-stemmed and is quite slow-growing. Because the shade it casts is quite light, under-planting is usually successful, especially with spring bulbs.

    £5.00£10.00 inc. VAT
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  • acerpalmatum dissectum

    Japanese Maple var. dissectum Seed

    Acer palmatum (dissectum)

    The Dissect Japanese Maple is a small deciduous tree or shrub with delicate, ferny 5 or 7 lobed bright green leaves. They turn beautiful vibrant red orange and yellow colour in autumn. It usually produces a mushroom-shaped tree which can be under-planted with bulbs effectively. Planted in semi-shade and in shelter, this is a fine garden plant with long season of interest.

    £5.00£8.00 inc. VAT
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  • Placeholder

    Japanese Quince Seed

    Chaenomeles japonica

    Japanese Quince, also known as Japonica, is a small, low growing, thorny shrub with bright orange red flowers, appearing very early in spring. These develop into rounded yellow fruits in the autumn. This deciduous shrub has small oval mid green leaves. Pruning can be done in the spring after flowering, or carefully in winter whilst making sure that the flower spurs are not being chopped off. Although Chaenomeles doesn’t flower as well in a shady spot, it makes a useful shrub for a north wall.

    £5.00 inc. VAT
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  • -Hamamelis_japonica_

    Japanese Witch Hazel Seed

    Hamamelis japonica

    A yellow winter flowering, deciduous shrub whose leaves turn a yellow-orange colour in late autumn. An ideal plant for use in Bonsai. They are also tolerant of chalky soils.

    £2.99£20.00 inc. VAT
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  • Zelkova dms

    Japanese Zelkova Seed

    Zelkova serrata

    Zelkova is a medium sized graceful wide spreading tree with a round crown and smooth grey bark. The slender oval leaves are up to 12cm long and have narrow pointed teeth. In autumn they turn a bronze red. It is related to Elm (Ulmus) but has proven to be resistant to Dutch Elm disease and so is suggested as a substitute. Pollution tolerant so can be used as a street tree. In Japan it is used as a valuable timber tree.

    £5.00£10.00 inc. VAT
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  • Japanese Pepper

    Japanese/Korean Pepper Seed

    Zanthoxylum piperitum

    Zanthoxylum piperitum

    Japanese Pepper is a deciduous shrub or small tree. It has pinnate shiny leaves which colour brilliant yellow in autumn. Both the bark and leaves are aromatic and the younger leaves can be used as a flavouring in Korean cuisine. Fairly vicious spines develop on the branch and stem undersides. If both male and female shrubs are present, the green/yellow flowers in April and May will develop into scarlet berries containing black shiny seeds – these are the peppery bits. So it is a good idea to grow several shrubs together.

    £2.00£3.50 inc. VAT
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  • Judas Tree Seed

    Cercis siliquastrum

    The Judas tree is a medium sized deciduous tree or large shrub which becomes wreathed in lilac flowers in late spring, sprouting even directly from the main trunk, before the heart- shaped leaves emerge. Purple tinted seed pods develop in autumn.

    pic By Kousvet – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia

    £5.00 inc. VAT
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  • pinus koraiensis seed

    Korean Pine Seed

    Pinus koraiensis

    Korean Pine is an ornamental Pine with long blue needles arranged in groups of 5. When young it grows in a pyramidal shape, but branches become more horizontal with age. Large cones are produced towards the end of branches, ripening to 11cm long. The seeds contained in the cones are large and used in cooking, like Pinus pinea.


    £8.50 inc. VAT
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  • Littleleaf Cotoneaster Seed

    Cotoneaster microphyllus

    A dwarf evergreen shrub with elliptic leaves that are usually less than 1cm long. Tiny white flowers give way to small deep red berries in autumn. Its habit is to grow in a low mound.

    £1.99 inc. VAT
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  • Pinus_contorta

    Lodgepole / Beach Pine Seed

    Pinus contorta

    Lodgepole Pine is a medium sized tree with short branches and paired yellowish green leaves. The cones appear in clusters and the tree is often grown in coastal areas.  Pictures show cones, male flowers (cream coloured)and female flowers(pink/purple)

    pic courtesy of   MPF, CC BY-SA 3.0  via Wikimedia Commons


    Not for forestry purposes.

    £5.00£14.00 inc. VAT
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  • ginkgo dms

    Maidenhair Tree Seed

    Ginkgo biloba

    The Maidenhair is an ancient species of tree easily recognised by its unusual fan shaped leaves which develop a striking yellow colour in autumn. It was around when the dinosaurs roamed the earth and, although it doesn’t look like it, is classed as a conifer.  The male and female flowers occur on different trees, so both are needed to produce fruit. When produced, the berries are edible but smell dreadful! When young, the growing tip can be damaged by cold winds, so plant in a sheltered spot, in sun or semi-shade. Reported to have an effect on cognitive function if taken as a supplement (Chinese medicine), but there is no scientific evidence for this at present.


    £8.00 inc. VAT
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  • Araucaria

    Monkey Puzzle / Chile Pine Seed

    Araucaria araucana

    The Monkey Puzzle is unique in its appearance and  is much sought after. It is protected in its native Chile. The open network of branches, arranged symmetrically are covered in the sharp, scale-like leaves. Quite slow growing but will reach a good height. The seed is huge and a lovely colour and can be eaten.   This has now been christened ‘The Marmite tree’ – you either love it or….not

    £6.00£18.00 inc. VAT
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  • pinus radiata dms

    Monterey Pine Seed

    Pinus radiata

    Monterey Pine is the most widely planted pine in the world, although it is endangered in its natural habitat. It is extremely important for timber production Older trees make a good windbreak. In UK , grows best in areas with mild wet winters, in fertile sites. In the wild it grows on the Californian coastal fringe and is one of the trees in which Monarch butterflies overwinter. It’s huge cones open in heat, but tend to stay on the tree for years. They are an uneven shape at the base. The needles grow in groups of 3, fresh green close to and blackish from afar. On mature trees  the bark develops very deep fissures.

    Cone pic courtesy of S. Rae from Scotland, UK/CC BY 2.0


    Not for forestry purposes.

    £6.00£30.00 inc. VAT
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  • 800px-Pinus_mugo_plant

    Mountain Pine (Pumilio) Seed

    Pinus mugo pumilio

    A dwarf form of the Mountain Pine that often grows prostrate but can reach 2m in height, slowly. Great for adding substance and winter interest to alpine and scree gardens and works well in containers. Shortish dark green needles look fine in the frost

    pic courtesy of UUSDA-NRCS PLANTS DATABASE/ Herman, D.E. et al. 1996. North Dakota tree handbook. USDA NRCS ND State Soil Conservation Committee; NDSU Extension and Western Area Power Admin., Bismarck, ND., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

    £5.00£16.50 inc. VAT
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  • Eucalyptus Nicholi

    Nichol’s Eucalyptus Seed

    Eucalyptus nicholii

    Nichol’s Eucalyptus or Nichol’s Peppermint Leaved Eucalyptus has attractive fine blue-green, willow-like, weeping evergreen foliage, which can be quite dense. The bark is deeply fissured on mature trees but red and shaggy on younger branches. It forms a small tree but can be pruned and even coppiced successfully. Like most Eucalyptus, it has white flowers in late summer and aromatic leaves. It prefers a sheltered position and is suitable for Bonsai.

    £20.00 inc. VAT
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  • picea abies foliage hjr

    Norway Spruce Seed

    Picea abies

    Norway Spruce is the traditional and most widely grown Christmas tree and makes a good stand-alone tree. It is used as a prickly security hedge in many alpine villages. It makes a virtually impenetrable barrier and doesn’t need much pruning or trimming once the tops have been taken out.


    Not for forestry purposes.

    £5.00£12.00 inc. VAT
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  • picea orientalis dms

    Oriental Spruce Seed

    Picea orientalis

    Oriental Spruce is a large densely branched tree with branches and dark green leaves down to ground level. The needles are short and tightly packed too, giving a neat and tidy effect. The young cones are 10cm long and purple, maturing to brown, curved. A seedling was selected, golden needled, which has  been vegetatively propagated to give  a named cultivar ‘Skylands’

    £5.00£10.00 inc. VAT
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  • Pacific Silver Fir Seed

    Abies amabilis

    Pacific Silver Fir is a native of north-west America In Europe it is grown as an ornamental tree. It is quite often found growing with Douglas Fir. Amabilis means beautiful and it can resemble Abies nordmanniana, with dark green soft needles, white undersides. The timber is not very useful for construction, just for pulp. Sometimes grown for the Christmas market.

    pic courtesy of Orjen at the English-language Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

    £5.00£22.00 inc. VAT
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  • Acer davidii

    Pere David’s Maple Seed

    Acer davidii

    Pere David’s Maple is one of the Snakebark Maples. It grows to be a small deciduous tree or large shrub, often multi-stemmed. Leaves are pointed and have three barely noticeable lobes. Autumn colours can be spectacular orange and yellow. The bark is green with obvious cream and white stripes, better on younger trees. It looks a bit like snake-skin. This tree is a worthwhile addition to a small garden.

    £5.00 inc. VAT
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  • Acer_rubrum_wikimedia

    Red / Canadian Maple Seed

    Acer rubrum

    Red or Canadian Maple is a large deciduous tree with dark green upper leaf surfaces, bluish underneath and red petioles (leaf stalks) It takes on autumn colour of scarlet red early in the season and can be quite outstanding. In spring the flowers appear before the leaves and are pinkish red giving this tree 2 seasons of interest. Needs space to grow and has quite a shallow root run so thrives in a moist soil

    £5.00 inc. VAT
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  • acer rufinerve dms

    Redvein Maple Seed

    Acer rufinerve

    A Snakebark Maple with attractive olive green trunk, marked and lined with grey, three lobed leaves and good autumn colour. The lime-green flowers appear early in the spring with the leaves.

    £6.00 inc. VAT
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