Hers’s Maple Seed

Acer grosser var hersii

£7.50 inc. VAT

Acer davidii subsp. grosseri var hersii

Hers’s Maple is another Snakebark Maple, with olive green bark, striped with white and cream.  It grows to be a small, round headed, graceful tree, sometimes multi-stemmed. The deciduous foliage is almost oval  with 3 indistinct lobes. Autumn colour is orange and yellow. No pruning is needed. Useful for a smaller garden.




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Acer davidii subsp. grosseri var hersii

Common Name: Hers’s Maple/Snakebark Maple

Native: central China

Provenance: China

Size and Spread(10yrs): 3m x 3m fast growing to start, but slows down with age(mmm, we know the feeling, except the spreading bit, which gets out of control with age!!)

Treatment Required: soak seed for 12hrs then cold stratify for 3-4mths

Seed/kg:   c.46,800      86% viable

Ideal Sowing Period: spring

Soil Conditions: fertile, moist but well drained

Planting Instructions: Hardy, not in exposed sites. Full sun to part shade

Mature Height: 5m




Additional information

Weight N/A





bark, foliage


Mini seed pack (approx 20 seeds), Seed Pack (approx 150 seeds)

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