Weld or Dyers Rocket Seed

£5.00 inc. VAT

Weld is a biennial native wildflower which in its second year produces slender spikes of tiny green/yellow flowers. Highly scented. Good in poor soils but doesn’t do well in the dry. Likes the sun.

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Reseda luteola

Weld or Dyers Rocket is a wild flower of waste ground and poor soil. It is a pioneer of such sites, often being the first or second plant to emerge after disturbance. It is a biennial and in the first year produces a rosette of strappy leaves but the following year a tall slender, sometimes branched spike of flowers shoots up from the centre of the rosette. The tiny green/cream/yellow flowers hug the stems closely. All parts of the plant are sweetly aromatic, so although not stunning to look at, it is worth growing for the scent alone.                                                                              All parts of the plant are used to make a natural dye – bright yellow.

Sow in the autumn, directly where needed since it doesn’t transplant well. Don’t cover the seed with soil since light is needed for germination. Weld will self-seed if the ground round the original plant is kept bare. Likes full sun

Additional information

Weight N/A

green, yellow



Flowering Month

May, June, July


aromatic foliage, fragrant


Very Hardy



Life Cycle



Seed pack (approx 3000 seeds)